9 Months of Glory

Well, Elliott has –almost–officially been out of my tummy longer than he was in it! On December 20, Elliott turned 9 months old! 9 months of watching this perfect little baby grow into a perfect bigger baby…9 months of cuddling him and rocking him and documenting every milestone…AND…not to mention, 9 MONTHS OF NOT THROWING… Continue reading 9 Months of Glory

Categorized as Elliott

Jesus Loves Elliott

Elliott has a “Jesus Loves Me” book, which we read or sing to him almost every night. One day Brian was playing with Elliott and started singing the song. Elliott dropped his toys and immediately started looking for the book, and then found it! We decided to put it beneath another book and see if he… Continue reading Jesus Loves Elliott

Categorized as Elliott


“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12   I grew up with dreams. And I am convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that my dreams are from God. That He, the Author and Perfecter of my faith, planted these dreams in my heart long… Continue reading Dreams

7 Months!

There are so many milestones that happen between 6 and 7 months! Elliott started eating solids and has become a super confident mover! He can make his way anywhere he wants to–and quickly at that! I’ve been telling new moms the secret to getting their child to crawl: put them in a room where they’re not… Continue reading 7 Months!

Categorized as Elliott

My delight.

Zephaniah 3:17 17 The LORD your God is with you,    he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you,    he will quiet you with his love,    he will rejoice over you with singing.” I am starting to get it.  It’s just incredible how much I delight over my son…and I’m learning anew daily… Continue reading My delight.

Do The Puyallup

The Puyallup Fair is so cool that its website is www.thefair.com. Now, come on…you don’t get much cooler than that.  Brian wanted to bring Elliott to his very first Puyallup Fair for one reason, and one reason alone… THE TRACTORS.  Elliott and I both learned about the two major tractor companies represented at the fair…John… Continue reading Do The Puyallup

A Very Happy Half Birthday!

Our sweet baby boy is 6 months old! The joy that he brings to our lives is indescribable…we just cherish every second with our little man! One of the best parts about this last month is that Elliott is learning that he can joke around with us. He LOVES to fake laugh just to watch… Continue reading A Very Happy Half Birthday!

Categorized as Elliott