San Pedro Snap Shot

Here’s a snap shot of our time in the Dominican Republic, serving with YWAM San Pedro!


Brian worked on lots of projects around the base. Here’s a picture I took through our window as he installed some security lights around the property of the base.

He makes it look so easy...

He also tagged along with a staff member interviewing various pastors and leaders around the community to get a feel for how YWAM San Pedro can best partner with each of the ministries and organizations. Brian then compiled all of that information so it was in an organized and easy-to-reference and sort database.

The staff has been visiting a Haitian Refugee Community, called El Tanque, for the last several months. They have been faithful to come, play games with the kids, paint fingernails, and sometimes even bring a little treat.

Playing "Duck, Duck, Goose"

A couple months back, the YWAM staff helped the men in El Tanque build these soccer goals. One week, we joined them for a game of soccer and I–yes, I–played too! And scored two goals!!

Oh yeah

As much as they all enjoyed visiting the kids at El Tanque each week, they wanted to do something more organized and formal but weren’t sure how to get something like that started. So, I had the opportunity to help the staff implement a children’s program in El Tanque.

Here are some pictures of me teaching during the program that we got up and running in 3 weeks!

Teaching on how Jesus loves the little children

Johally was my faithful translator. Although I feel okay about general conversational Spanish, I wasn’t quite ready to invest the time it would have taken to really make sure I could communicate the bible lesson in Spanish. Soon though :).

I love this picture...with our little ones right behind us!


And here’s a video of me helping Adrienne, Rafaelito and Sthefany while they lead worship.



Well, there’s a quick snap shot of some of the ministry we were a part of while serving in San Pedro!

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