Welcome to the Caribbean!

Several weekends ago, we took Elliott to swim and play at the beach for the first time! The YWAM base is a quick 10 minute walk from the beach…glory.


He hated it. Literally, hated it. Poor kid :(. He was terrified of the sand.

Baby Shark was not a big fan of the sand…

So, he took a nap with Dad while I played in the ocean with friends.

Seriously now, could anything possibly be more darling??

Then he joined me in the ocean:

Now there's a little smile!

He loved splashing in the ocean, but just really hated the wet sand…we even tried again after his nap! But we went back the next week and he had a blast playing in the dry sand…so…baby steps. Baby shark steps!

Baby Shark, Mama Shark, Daddy Shark




  1. Dearest Elliott,

    Don;t feel bad about hating the sand at the beach – little Grace, another of my precious grandchildren, absolutely was terrified of sticks that were laying on the grass. They had fallen off a big tree – they were just little sticks, but Grace cried and was afraid of them. She did laught, tho, when I picked some up and pretended to hit the ground with them, but she wouldn’t go near them !!!

    1. Thank you for the kind encouragement, Grammy Karen!! Will you come play with me at the beach and help me get over my fear??!! 🙂 Love you!! Elliott

  2. I remember how sad an experience it was when I first brought Fay to a swimming pool. She was just about five months, I think. The whole thing was lost on her. Still, she looked so cute in a bathing suit! More recently we’ve taken her and she is addicted to swimming. Though we haven’t been in months, she almost-daily asks, “I go swimming today?” Before you know it, Elliott will be splashing around like a duck and loving every minute of it!

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