A Victorious Mother

*This post is part of a series on Victorious Parenting. Click on the label to the right to read all posts in this series.*


What is the first thing that comes to mind when you read that word? Go ahead, think about it.

I hope that, for you, thoughts of your beautiful children fill your mind when you hear that word. I hope that you think about the way your little boy nuzzled his head into your neck before saying, “Good night.” I hope you’ll think about the way your daughter lit up the moment she saw your face. I hope you’ll think of the 12 piles of laundry, the UNBELIEVABLE amount of dishes piled in the sink, and the toilet that hasn’t been scrubbed in 2 (3? 4??) weeks, and I hope that you are filled with joy, remembering the trip to the park that stained your son’s jeans and the nourishing meal that you prepared for your family that forced you to dirty 6 pans and an unfathomable amount of dishes. I hope, when you hear the word “motherhood,” you are filled with joy and peace, as you think about the reality of what that word means.

Sometimes, I am grieved at the way motherhood is portrayed. Or, more specifically, at the way children are portrayed. And aren’t the two, in their very nature and design, inseparably intertwined? Unfortunately, many of the things I read these days surrounding motherhood and children are so negative. Why is being a mom—especially a mom of a toddler—so often spoken of in the most exasperating, stressful, impossible light? I don’t understand this. As believers, we should be living victoriously. Not perfectly, but victoriously. There’s a huge difference—victorious moms have eyes to see their children, not a stubbornness to throw their hands up in the air and say, “Kids will be kids! I give up!” It grieves me to see this latter attitude, especially in Christian circles. Why is it that we can have faith for the impossible in every other arena of our lives, but cannot have faith that our God will give us victory in our homes? Our God is victorious, in every arena of our lives. There is no obstacle too great for Him to reach, including the “out-of-control, exasperating, stressful, impossible toddler,” of whom many speak. And it grieves me when people focus on that, on what is seen, versus on what a very mighty God we have and how he can teach a woman who fears the Lord just exactly how to raise her children in an atmosphere of peace and joy in her home. This is faith for our children.

I believe that every word written in the bible is true. Not just partially true or periodically true or perhaps true in certain circumstances…No, I believe the bible is the inerrant word of the living God and thus, it is true. Completely, at all times, in all circumstances…always, profoundly true.

As a person destined for death before Christ intervened, this is good news. As a woman created to have great impact on this earth, this is great news. As a wife who longs to love her husband in a way that presses him into the fullness of life, this is awesome news.

And as a mom, who is on her knees before the Lord, desperate to raise her children in the fear of the Lord, this is the best possible news. EV-ER.

Because listen to what God says about raising my children:

“Train them in the way they should go, and they will not depart from it,” Proverbs 22:6.

Wait, God, you’re telling me that if I do my job with intentionality and excellence, that they will walk in your ways?? It’s that simple? Why yes, sign me up, Lord!!

Yes, I realize this is a bold statement.  Yes, I realize that many won’t hear me because my only children are both under the age of 2. Yes, I fully realize that some will take my premise as prideful and arrogant. Yes, I realize that many will tell me that the above bible verse is only true sometimes and that I cannot count on it for my children. Yes, I realize that some will tell me I am foolish, and I cannot expect my children to bear good fruit. Yes, I realize some will try to convince me that the way my children turn out is a crap shoot. And that’s okay, because I am not writing for them. I am writing for me, and for the other moms out there who have faith in His word over their children.  Because for me, my premise is absolutely not one of judgment or criticism—oh, no. My premise is one of HOPE. My premise is one of FAITH. And I will hope in my God until the day I die. I will have faith that my children will walk in the ways I have trained them and love the Lord with all of their hearts. If the Scriptures are true, then my God has promised me that if I fear him, the fruit will manifest in my children. And this, my friends, is extraordinarily good news.

Women of faith, join me by walking out this good news as we fulfill the greatest role imaginable—raising our children to love the Lord our God with all of their hearts, minds, souls and strength! Because as we do, it will manifest as peace and joy in our children, in us, and in our homes! And this is how we walk victoriously as mothers!!


  1. Love this! Thanks for sharing your heart and reminding me to have faith in the promise The Lord has given me as a mother!!! With man, things are impossible, but with God all things are POSSIBLE 🙂 Love you friend!

  2. I LOVE IT!! I always enjoy reading all you’re blogs because you really are an amazing writer. I think I love that i honestly feel like I’m in that coffee shop with you listening to every word. It fills my heart with joy. I agree, there is always a lot of negativity, and I must admit, I am often times so worn out and exhausted to combat it very well. I always know that every little thing i do is important in the fact that it helps my family in some way or the other which is the most important job in this world. I believe that verse whole heartedly. But i also think of my parents and Jason and think there are exceptions… So tired and heading to bed, but i love your blogs!

    1. I love you :). I so hear your heart about Jason. It’s a tough thing…for sure something that I’m pressing into for understanding!

  3. Susanne,
    Love this, love your heart, and love you!
    I read a book last year that really touched my heart on the issue of parenting. Thought you might want to check it out, if you haven’t already? I think you’ll like it.

    It’s called Sacred Parenting by Gary Thomas.

    Miss you tons!

    1. Lisa! You bless me!! I would love to check that book out, thanks for the recommendation! I love and miss YOU!!

  4. ok Suzzers…you FINALLY got me hooked on your blog :), haha…I guess all you had to do was write about Motherhood and Children in a multiple part series and start it with an entry called Eureka! haha! SO blessed by reading this today!!

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